Best Seller Rank Data

Amazon Best Seller rank is a good indicator of how well a product is selling in a category, Sconad has billions of best seller rank data, we have billions of rows of data that at the fingertips of our clients. One of the things that sets us apart from others the fact all of our data has no gaps, for millions of ASIN's we have literal day to day values for best seller rank and have the largest collection of best seller rank data next to Amazon iteself.

Product Sales Data

Our team of data scientist formulated a incredibly accurate method of estimating sales for a product. We have millions of sales data from every Amazon category and we use that data in our machine learning tools to give you the most accurate sales data on the market.

Keyword Relevancy

Keyword relevance gives you the ability to see how relevant a keyword is to a ASIN. For example the ASIN B0792KTHKJ has a 100% relevance for the keyword "Alexa" but a relevance of 0% for the keyword "Pizza". This is a way to detect whether or not you should advertise for a certain keyword and how to optimize a Amazon product listing.

Suggested Keywords

Our suggested keyword solver uses data from Amazon API's to generate keywords for a ASIN that are associated with it. For example for the ASIN B0794RHPZD keywords tablet, kindle, fire tablet, alexa, alexa tablet are a example of what keywords get generated, our api's can generate thousands of these keywords in mere miliseconds.

Product Keyword Indexed

Our api's have the ability to instantly retrieve whether or not a ASIN is indexed on a keyword. Have you ever wondered what keywords a user would have to search to bring up your ASIN, our api allows you to instantly view that data. For example by inputing your ASIN and keyword our api returns a true or false as to whether or not your indexed on a keyword.

PPC Data

We have repository of billions of PPC data and we use that to give you accurate PPC data thats updated nightly to give you a idea of how like a profits you can achieve running ads on Amazon. We offer cost per click data and click through rate data.

Search Volume

With our access to various diffrent Amazon api's were able to gather accurate search volume data for keywords. By monitor Amazon's A9 algorithm and search trends were able to gather search voiume data.